Thursday, March 31, 2016

Lie detectors are real?!

After years and years of the polygraph machine being featured in great and famed TV shows, it is actually a pretty common belief that these so-called 'lie detectors' are reliable enough to tell, for sure, whether or not a person is lying. But first, what is a polygraph? What does it do? Well, it is a machine that can distinguish a person's blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity (depending on the model, it may detect other things as well). These responses are thought to be directly related to a person's state of mind, hence they're called physiological responses. But, well, there are at least two problems with this.
  1. "There is no evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception."  
  2. "An honest person may be nervous when answering truthfully and a dishonest person may be non-anxious."
What this means is that polygraph tests, aren't necessarily accurate. In fact, even "courts, including the United States Supreme Court... *, have repeatedly rejected the use of polygraph evidence because of its inherent unreliability" ( So in reality, polygraph tests aren't conclusive, and don't test for lies, but physical responses which may or may not even be definitively connected with lying.

Verdict: Not Yet

* "cf. U.S. v. Scheffer, 1998 in which Dr.'s Saxe's research on polygraph fallibility was cited"

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Does gum take 7 years to digest?

Almost every mother, at one point or another, -ooh that rhymes!- has told their child to not swallow their gum. 
"But why?," you'd ask.
"Because if you do, it'll be in your stomach for seven years".

Even so, whether it be on accident or on purpose, you'd inevitably swallow it. And then what? You'd have to think; "Is it true?" Well;
Nope. Nein. No. Niet. Negative.
While it's true that the stomach can't digest the gum resin, it can still separate it from what it can digest, like the sweeteners. What's left would just go through your digestive tract and exit in just a few days like any other hard-to-digest food like popcorn kernels. So, if you or someone you knows freaks out about swallowing gum, set them at ease! It is after all, just a myth. By the way, same goes for red meats. Just FYI. 
Verdict: FALSE 

Thursday, March 17, 2016


GIFs!!!!! Images in Graphics Interchange Format, are the best images on the internet. Thank you Steve Wilhite! He created the GIF in 1987 for CompuServe. They add animation to web pages, and can thus be used for an educational, informative, or even a comedic end (my personal favorite). Since then, GIFs have become super popular, especially for comedic effect on sites like that of BuzzFeed, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.
For example, see the following from BuzzFeed:

"Are These The 43 Funniest GIFs Of All Time?"

See even funnier BuzzFeed GIFs here!

Whatever the purpose for making a GIF, there is a lingering misconception, which I will settle right now: 
How do you pronounce GIF?

It is pronounced with a SOFT G. Like "jif".
"The GIF (Graphic Interchange Format), pronounced 'JIF'..."   -CompuServe

"The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations. They are wrong. It is a soft 'G,' pronounced 'jif'. End of story."   -Steve Wilhite

Verdict: SOFT G

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sharks ≠ Disease?

Was the BBC wrong? Well, it seems it is the case. It has been a long-held myth that sharks don't get illnesses like cancer or tumors. But, this is just plain weird. The fact that sharks aren't "immune," at least to cancer, has been known, for over 150 years (according to the Discovery Channel). So, where did people get this misconception from? It looks like it was just another lie scammers told to promote their 'miraculous' shark cartilage treatments. Still don't believe it?

Obviously, sharks aren't immune to tumors. They get cancer too. David Shiffman, a shark researcher and doctoral student at the University of Miami, flat-out said, "Sharks don't get cancer". There you have it, a professional sir has confirmed it! So, there. Sharks do get tumors and cancer.

Verdict: FALSE

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Swimming after Eating

Wait 30 minutes before swimming! This is one of the most common myths ever! But, is it really that bad to swim right after eating? The myth in essence is that one shouldn't do this because the stomach will still be digesting, and in the mean-time, occupying enough blood to put your leg and arm muscles at risk of tiring too soon. Except, it's not entirely true. Yes, your body will direct some blood vessels to your digestion system, "but not enough blood to keep your arm and leg muscles from properly functioning. Your biggest danger related to eating and swimming is probably a minor cramp" ( So, enjoy summer once its here! If you wanna swim after eating go for it! Do with this information what you will.

Verdict: FALSE