Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Five Senses

Sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch. These are the five senses that humans have. But, not the only ones. In fact, there are probably over 20! For example, thermoception is a sense humans use to detect whether something is hot, cold, or anywhere in between. Proprioception is the sense that allows you to be aware of where your body parts are. Ever heard of Phantom Limb Syndrome? You know, when after having had a part of the body amputated, a person still feels it is there? This is because of proprioception! In addition, ever wondered what pain is? It it an emotion or feeling? Actually, it is a symptom of another one of your senses! Pain is the result of a sensory system called nociception! Of course, these are only a few of your many senses, but it is proof that your senses aren't limited to       a measly 5!
Verdict: FALSE

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